If you have ssh service running, make sure you disable the root login. If you didnt disable the ssh root login, you are prone to brute force attack and once it breaks in, your server is owned. To prevent this happen, you can disable the root login thru the ssh. No worry, it’s not a very difficult task, just edit a line of configuration and restart the service then you are done.
To disable ssh root login, follow the steps below:-
- login to your linux with root privilege
- Now edit the sshd_config file. Normally it’s located at /etc/ssh directory
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Now look for the line below
#PermitRootLogin yes
- and change to below then save:-
PermitRootLogin no
* Remove the # and change the value to no
- Now restart your sshd service using the command below:-
service sshd restart
- Done! you has just disable your ssh root login!